We are Healthy Klamath.

How do we fit into the Healthy Klamath Network?

Our team is the Healthy Klamath team, we act as a hub linking together many of our healthcare partners in the community. We coordinate meetings, help with the Community Health Assessment and Community Health Improvement Plan, write grants, assist with marketing and materials, and focus on a few specific work areas of our own.

Check out the org chart below to see how our team fits in. We are the Healthy Klamath Co-Chairs & Staff in the center of this chart connecting our executive team, partner coalitions and workgroups and community partners. Learn more about the overall Healthy Klamath Network by clicking the button below.

Healthy Klamath’s mission is to lead a community well-being transformation initiative where the healthy choice becomes the easy choice


We will achieve this through permanent changes in the environment, policy, and social networks. A healthy community where ALL members have the ability to thrive and live a happy, healthy, and prosperous life is the vision of Healthy Klamath.

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